Broadbent Maths
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Broadbent Maths
Broadbent Maths - creative primary maths

We are having a moderation visit and need to show how our maths matches the NC

Curriculum coverage and match is a basic essential of the Broadbent Maths material - it goes way beyond that in terms of progression, pedagogy and depth. To demonstrate this I suggest you share the following with the moderators:
1. For NC PoS match, show the documents on the site for NC links:
If you show them the first file in each year (units matched to PoS) and ask them to choose any Programme of Study from the NC you can show where it is in the planning and how it is linked to learning objectives, expected outcomes and AfL questions. 
2. There is the very occasional PoS for which I used the NC 2-year recommended span to introduce it in. For example, I decided to leave 24-hour time out of Y3 and introduce it in Y4 - here's a quick explanation of that:
3. Show the moderation group a Unit Plan from the 'class planning' menu from any year to show coverage. Go through each of the elements to explain the pedagogy and point out the small steps of progression (and show others) to show the previous steps and possible ways to extend the learning. Discuss the emphasis on c-p-a with models/images/language and the active involvement of the teachers in the medium term planning, having the control and flexibility to make it match the learning of the children in their class. Show how a context is used at times to make the maths purposeful and explain how problem-solving, reasoning and data handling are elements of every unit.
4. Show the small steps of progression (and the record sheets if you are using them) for problem-solving, reasoning and statistics/data handling to illustrate the depth of coverage of these elements:
You may need to ensure your staff are planning for reasoning and problem solving - find examples from the children's work. Obviously it will be a problem if there is little evidence of this, so you may need to have this as a target for development.
5. If you are using my suggested structure for a teaching sequence of lessons, show this to illustrate how you are teaching for understanding and depth:
Each element of this doesn't need to be in a single lesson - this is a suggested sequence over a few days depending on the focus.
6. The approach is as important as the content - make sure you can show that it is active learning, practical, with good questioning and time to consolidate the learning. The units are flexible so you can put two together or move them around - it is the pedagogical subject knowledge of the teachers that is important and that the Broadbent Maths Planning Menu is trying to support. If you need to explain the approach to the moderators, copy this and adapt it so it is specifically your approach to give to them:
You can be confident that if you are using the unit plans well, coverage should not be an issue. If it is an issue then you may need to unpick the teaching and learning in each class to see if they are offering enough challenge, have enough of an emphasis on problem solving or if there are any other possible reasons (often to do with a teachers confidence and subject knowledge).

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