Accessing the Planning Menu
What is the difference between a 'Subscriber' and a 'User'?
Your school is the 'Subscriber' and each teacher with a login access is a 'User'. Each school has a designated person as the named administrator or main contact. Only this person is allowed to add and remove teachers/Users and make other changes to the school subscription account.
Can I access the Planning Menu from home?
Yes you can use your login name and password on any computer, anywhere.
However it should only be for maths planning in the school that has subscribed. If you work in two schools, the licence to use the planning materials does not extend to your teaching in a school that does not subscribe to Broadbent Maths Planning Menu.
I have forgotten my login name and/or password?
Your login name is your email address. Complete the 'forgotten your password?' option to be sent a link to reset your password.
If you cannot remember your email address, ask the main contact at your school and they can check the email you used.
Can I see a list of all our Users for our school?
Yes, log in using the main contact email and password (this can be reset - see above). Select 'My Users' from the dropdown menu in the 'Sign In' box.
You can add new teachers and remove teachers that have left your school using the links from this page.
Can I remove a teacher/User that has left?
Yes, login using the main contact email and password (this can be reset - see above). Select 'My Users' from the dropdown menu in the 'Sign In' box. Use the link 'Remove teachers from your list'. You will the first and last name of each teacher to be removed.
How do I register new teachers?
Login using the main contact email and password (this can be reset - see above) Select 'Rggister Users' from the dropdown menu in the 'Sign In' box.
You will need each teacher's email address, you can use the school telephone number, rather than a personal number.
Subscribing to the Planning Menu
Can I subscribe individually to the Planning Menu?
Yes, individuals or schools can subscribe. There are also some free Latest News articles that have teaching resources and ideas on primary maths to support individual teachers.
How can a school or individual subscribe to the Planning Menu?
Most schools or individuals pay by credit or debit card, go to the Subscribe page and complete the order forms.
We can accept School Purchase Orders, have the PO number ready before you complete the order forms. School Purchase Orders are accepted from UK schools only and must be confirmed in writing. After completing the order form an email will be sent with details of the next step.
You can also pay by cheque, complete the order form online and you will be sent an email to print to send with your cheque.