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A fraction wheel and angle estimator - to add to your maths kit

Friday, 24 January 2014
A fraction wheel can also be used as an angle estimator.  It is easy to make and is a useful resource to add to your maths kit. 

An interactive maths kit is really useful for oral maths activities, maths starter sessions or maths warm-up activities. 

The fraction wheel is made with two overlapping and linked card circles which slide to show different size parts or angles.

angle measure 90˚

How to make a fraction wheel

angle measure making
• Draw and cut out two circles the same size (approx.10 -15cm diameter)

• Draw one line on the radius from the centre to the outer edge of each circle and cut along this line.

• Overlap the two circles through the cut radius lines. 

That's it  - you have your finished fraction wheel or angle estimator. Laminating the circles isn't a bad idea as they slide a little easier when using them.

For KS1      
Ask: show half, show quarter , show a  square corner (angle)

For KS2           
Ask: show 1/3, 1/8 , 90˚, 180˚, an acute, obtuse, reflex angle

Teaching Tip
Use different colour card for each circle.

Show me a blue quarter.
Show me a green acute angle.

Angle measure acute
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